Projects #5 - Thurston Together!
Helping with prevention and health promotion in neighborhoods and schools.
Message Direct was asked to design a few projects for the "Parents Matter" campaign, which is to help reach South Sound kids and families. We are incredibly thankful for the opportunity to participate in this way.
Thurston TOGETHER! awarded Message Direct an opportunity to help create material to reach teens.
It was very important and decided — Parents provide the most influence on a child's life. Educating yourself and your children about the dangers of substance abuse is the most important step in helping your child live a drug-free life. Be open and honest with your children about drugs and alcohol.
Designing projects for this non-profit organization by showing positive messages about student behavior. Working with the Project Manager of Together! was a pleasure, it was important for us to be involved during planning to make sure this program's project continued to be effective and successful. Message Direct designed and developed Bus advertising along with an animated Movie theatre ad. We were honored to be part of TOGETHER!'s advocacy efforts to raise public awareness and encourage behavioral change on community and statewide levels.
Wonderful organization purpose.
TOGETHER! has been serving the South Sound area since 1989 with youth substance abuse prevention and health promotion activities.
In May 1989, community leaders in Thurston County met with social development researchers from the University of Washington to discuss the growing presence of substance abuse problems in our neighborhoods and schools. They embraced the "Communities That Care" research-based model for developing a comprehensive, community wide plan to combat the problem. This meeting gave birth to TOGETHER!
TOGETHER!'s community-mobilizing, coalition-building and prevention programming efforts have been recognized over the years by a variety of organizations, including Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, Governor's Council on Substance Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice/FBI, Community Youth Services and the Thurston County Board of Health.